THE PROJECT is the third book in the PARADOX FICTION line (an imprint of DC COMICS), an ongoing series of uniquely formatted multipart graphic novels written by both prose and comic writers, and illustrated by a diverse group of comic art talents.


"Combining the best of both worlds, of the visual and literary, of images and words."
"Startlingly illustrated."
"The real life history of the streets."


It is available in comic book stores everywhere!

Click here for information about:

Volume One or Volume Two or preview a page of "The Night Belongs To Sarah"
New!  Nel Projet: The Italian Edition

Volume One

Volume One Cover


In the huge inner-city housing projects that dot this nation's urban landscape, life goes on. Within each development's cold brick walls, people live and die. Some thrive, while others suffer. Some escape ... while others have no choice but to stay.

THE PROJECT is about the inhabitants of one such housing development. Told as a series of interrelated short stories that span a twenty-year period, THE PROJECT introduces readers to a diverse cast of characters whose only common ground is the place they call home -- but that is all that's needed for their lives to intersect in ways that will change them forever. From the child lured into the gang lifestyle by the promise of easy money to the old couple determined to cleanse their building of drugs and their influence, THE PROJECT presents an uncompromising view of a world where individual hopes and dreams must be set aside in the struggle for survival.

Written by John Figueroa. Art by Kirk Albert. $5.95 U.S. Suggested for mature readers.


Volume Two



In the huge inner-city housing projects that dot this nation's urban landscape, it's what people pray for. To be free of the fear, cleansed of the hopelessness, absolved of the anger that haunts their every waking moment. But within the overcrowded, deteriorating hallways of the Abraham Lincoln Houses it's not easy to forgive, let alone forget the fact that violence is hiding around every corner -- perhaps even living under your own roof.

Still, life goes on. People try to get by, and in some cases do more than merely survive. These are the stories of some of those people. The ones who seek to change their lives, to break the chains of abuse, of racism, and of hatred. The ones who will use any means necessary to escape the Projects, to shatter its uncompromising hold on their lives. And in the end, these are the stories of those who would tear down The Project's cold concrete walls, in the belief that only from its ruins can something positive begin to grow.

Written by John Figueroa. Art by Kirk Albert. $5.95 U.S. Suggested for mature readers.


Nel Project

This is the cover for the Italian language edition of The Project (volume one and two combined) It was published by Magic Press and includes an afterword by Stephen Piccoli a.k.a S3Keno.

All contents © 1999-2013 and Beyond! John Figueroa All rights reserved.